Jim had used a market-leading provider since 2012, but felt that the product wasn't intuitive. Whenever he needed to use the system, he’d have to somewhat retrain himself. He also found the number of queries he could run simultaneously to be very low for the price point. TriGate Capital were paying $10 thousand a year and were capped at three queries at a time, which was extremely impractical.
Jim received an email from MirrorWeb which piqued his interest, and so he checked the website to investigate the veracity of the company. He decided it was worth pursuing, based on MirrorWeb’s history and clientele. A product demo confirmed that it was far more user-friendly than his current platform and had no restrictions on the number of phrase queries, which had been an unwelcome limitation. TriGate Capital signed with MirrorWeb for email and instant messaging archiving (Microsoft Teams).
Jim was initially daunted by the prospect of transferring nine years worth of critical data from his previous provider, but it all went smoothly and the conversion was very clean. The user-friendliness of the MirrorWeb platform has made Jim’s role much easier, all while providing ‘better service at a lower cost’. TriGate Capital is now adding website archiving to its range of MirrorWeb services due to their satisfaction with the relationship so far.
“The MirrorWeb product makes much more intuitive sense, and doesn’t restrict the number of queries I can run. Plus it costs less, which is always a nice feature. We increased the scope of the service we were getting, and the price went down. So it was a win-win.”
Jim Vetter, Managing Director, CFO & CCO